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Fall 1997/1998
- Studies in Medieval Literature: Early Women Writers, Tilde Sankovich and William Paden, A
- Studies in 19th-Century Literature: Francophone Writers, 19th Cent. Sources, Françoise Lionnet, A
- Introduction to Graduate Studies, Wendy Wall, B
- Literary Studies Colloquium I: Thinking Through Images, Kirstin Behnke
Winter 1997/1998
- Studies in Medieval Literature II, Tilde Sankovich and William Paden, A
- Studies in 19th -Century Literature: Writing History, Michal Ginsburg, A
- Comparative Studies: Modernism and Memory, Scott Durham, A
- Literary Studies Colloquium II, Kirstin Behnke
Spring 1997/1998
- Writing Tutorial: Maryse Condé, Françoise Lionnet, A
- Studies in 19th Century Art: Orientalism, Hollis Clayson, A
- Literary Studies Colloquium III, Kirstin Behnke, A
Fall 1998/1999
- Studies in the 20th Century: Hospitality and Generosity, Post-Colonial Literature, Mireille Rosello, A
- Special Topics Literature: Sea Views, Hélène Cixous, A
- Humanities Seminar I: Cultures and Technologies of Time, Scott Durham, A
- Research, Bernadette Fort
Winter 1998/1999
- Studies in 20th Century: Francophone Literature and Film of SE Asia, Jane Winston, A
- 18th Century Literature: France in the Age of Scandal, Bernadette Fort, A
- Independent Study: Zola and Balzac, Michal Ginsburg, A
- Independent Reading, Bernadette Fort
- Humanities Seminar II, Scott Durham, A
Spring 1998/1999
- Studies in 20th Century Literature, Scott Durham, A
- Writing Tutorial, Mireille Rosello, A
- Humanities Seminar III, Scott Durham, A
Fall 1999
- Independent Study: 18th Century Orientalism, Literature and Art, Bernadette Fort, A
- Independent Reading, Bernadette Fort
- Independent Reading, Bernadette Fort
Winter 1999/2000
- Studies in 18th Century: Enlightenment Discourses on Art, Bernadette Fort
Spring 1999/2000
- Comprehensive Exams
I. Nineteenth-Century Literature and Art
II. Eighteenth-Century Literature and Art
III. Theory
Fall 2000/2001
- Studies in 19th Century Literature: Decadence, Françoise Gaillard
January, 2004
- Dissertation Defense: “The Body of the Mother: De-composing Zola’s Naturalist Vision in the Rougon-Macquart.” Committee: Dr. Sylvie Romanowski, Dr. Françoise Gaillard, Dr. William Paden, Dr. Scott Durham.