Student Responsibilities

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“Je veux apprendre le français!”

Your responsibilities:

Every Day:

  • Put your “thinking beret” on and get ready to speak French!
  • After class: check class web announcements for homework clarification.
  • Keep up with your written work in the workbook. Do the activities in the workbook that correspond with the grammar or vocabulary we are going over in class. These will be assigned for every day.
  • Study the “study guides” for each grammar point on class web page for clarification.
  • Make Flash Cards. Buy some 3 x 5 note cards for practicing recognition: For all vocabulary and for all new verbs
  • Self-test your ability to write the word correctly in a “practice notebook.” Check to make sure you spelled each vocabulary word or verb tense correctly.

If needed:

  • Make regular appointments and come to office hours.
  • Speak with the teacher before or after class.
  • Make a “chapter outline” of the important grammar.  This will help you organize the information for yourself.