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Lecturer, Seattle University Spring 2007-Present
- Novice French and Francophone language, literature, and culture: multiple sections of French 115, 125, 135.
- Intermediate French and Francophone language, literature, and culture: multiple sections of French 215, 225, 235.
Advanced French and Francophone Literature Seminars:
- “The Spectacle of the Real: The Search for Truth in 19th-Century French Literature.”
- “Enlightenment Thought in 21st-Century Political Discourse.” (independent study)
- “Using the Pedagogy of Virtual Reality in the French Classroom.” (independent study)
- “Get Real! The Consumption of Reality and the Rhetoric of Watching.”
- “Wicked Witches of the West: Bad Women in the Canon.”
- “The Spectacle of the Real: The Search for Truth in 19th-Century French Literature.”
- “Introduction to College-Level Writing,” prepared.
Core Classes, Approved:
- Inquiry Seminar in the Humanities I: “Wicked Witches of the West: Bad Women in the Canon.”
- Academic Writing Seminar : “Get Real! The Consumption of Reality and the Rhetoric of Watching.”
- Inquiry Seminar in the Humanities III: “From Palace to Prison: Marie Antoinette and the Diamond-Incrusted Road to Revolution,” (Study-Abroad Component).
- “Liberating the Mind: Prison and Art in Western Culture.”
Summer Writing Class, Prepared:
- “Introduction to College Writing.”
Lecturer, University of Washington 2004-2008
French Language and Culture:
- Communicative Method: French 100-level.
- Immersion Method: French 100-level.
- Task-based Method: French 100-level.
- Introduction to Literature and Composition: French 200-level.
Graduate/Majors Level Seminars:
- « La Femme mythique à ‘l’Age des Révolutions’ (1793-1871) (The Mythic Woman in the Age of Revolutions). »
- « Jouir et souffrir au dix-neuvième siècle: une vision du Seconde Empire. »
- « L’Orientalisme et l’altérité au siècle des Lumières. »
- « Penser l’identité culturelle: la ‘créolité’ de Maryse Condé. »
- « L’Evolution poétique du roman réaliste: la tradition littéraire mise en question. »
Lecturer, Edmonds Community College, French and English
- French Language, Novice, Intermediate.
- Introduction to College Writing
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University 1997-2000
“Haunting Happiness, Hunting Happiness,” for Visiting Professor Hélène Cixous, 1999.
“The Literature of Existentialism,” 1999.
Accelerated Introductory French, Instructor of Record, 1998-2000.
French Language and Culture, Instructor of Record, 1998-2000.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Georgia
Accelerated French I and II, instructor of record, 1995-1997.
Professional Development
Summer Institute, American Association of University Professors, Scholarship Recipient, Seattle, WA, 2013.
Training seminars on teaching writing, literature, and the humanities, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching and Department of English, Seattle University, 2007-present.
Training seminars on web-based teaching methods, Faculty Technology Support Center, Seattle University, 2007-present.
Workshop on Publishing and Productivity, National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, Seattle University, 2010.
Training Seminars on Web-Based Teaching Methods, Center for Teaching, Learning, & Technology, University of Washington, 2004-2007.
Task-Based Methodology Workshop with Hedwige Meyer, University of Washington.
ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language) Oral Proficiency Interview Training Workshop, Certification, Northwestern University, 2000.
Research Seminar, Language Teaching Methodologies, University of Georgia, 1996.
Classes at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes in Nantes and Paris and at the Sorbonne, 1993–1994.
French, fluent.
English, native.
Spanish, reading knowledge.
Professional Affiliations
Modern Language Association (MLA).
American Association of University Professors (AAUP).
Nineteenth-Century Studies Association (NCSA).
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association (NCFS).
French Interdisciplinary Group (FIG), Northwestern University, Graduate Affiliate Alumni.
National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD).