Citations from Other Scholars

Holly Woodson Waddell, Cited in Primary and Secondary Works

1. Ouvres Complètes, Emile Zola. Garnier Classiques. 2014. Volume, La Curée. Holly Woodson Waddell’s article cited in Bibliography, p. 454.

2. Emile Zola and the Artistry of Adaptation. Kate Griffiths. MHRA. 2009.

“Holly Woodson Waddell concurs, underlining the “profound similarity in the lives of Renée and of the tragic queen [Phèdre]” (98).

3. Nana. Emile Zola. (en) Holly Woodson Waddell, « ‘Et elle tomba en vierge’: Venus and the Modern Mother in Zola’s Nana », Excavatio, 2001, no 15 (3-4), p. 74-91.

4. Woman with a Bottle and Flames. Monica F. Jacobe. 2004. [4] Holly Woodson Waddell. The body of the mother: De-composing Zola’s naturalist vision in the Rougon-Macquart. [M].Northwestern University,2004

5. Nana. Emile Zola.(en) Holly Woodson Waddell, « ‘Et elle tomba en vierge’: Venus and the Modern Mother in Zola’s Nana », Excavatio, 2001, no 15 (3-4), p. 74-91.

5. La Curée. Emile Zola. Holly Woodson Waddell, « ‘Et elle tomba en vierge’: Venus and the Modern Mother in Zola’s Nana », Excavatio, 2001, n° 15 (3-4), p. 74-91.
6. Essay on the Geography of Plants. By Alexander von Humboldt, Aimé Bonpland. Trans. Sylvie Romanowski. U of Chicago P, 2010.

“I wish to thank . . . Holly Woodson Waddell . . . . for [her] earlier readings of my essay” [xx].

7. Alienation and Alterity: Otherness in Modern and Contemporary Francophone Contexts. Eds. Paul Cooke, Helen Vassallo. Peter Lang, 2009.

Nicole Fayard. “Faire Parler ces femmes. . . les libérer. Parce que dans les quartiers, on ne dit rien.” Alienation, Sexual Violence, and Textual Survival in the Work of Jamila Ait –Abbas, Samira Bellil, Leila and Loubna Méliane.

“… Holly Woodson Waddell argues that, through the sharing of their personal experiences of pain, victims who have formerly been in marginal positions can reconstruct the subjectivities and identities that their oppressors had alienated.”

9. La Curée. Emile Zola. (en) Holly Woodson Waddell, « The Naked Truth: Renée and the Myth of Phaedra in La Curée », Excavatio: Émile Zola and Naturalism, 2003, no 18 (1-2), p. 143-56.